Privte compny, founded in 2016 ,set up sles compny in shenzhen, nd joint venture mnufcturing compnies to form yue production bse integrting opertions.
Locted in Chengdu City, middle of Chin, only 10 mins. by cr to irport.
Three mjor production bses hs stff of 100 people.
MERRY specilizes in mnfcturing nd supplying core prts of high-end equipments t home nd brod,including Locking Devices, Couplings, Timing Pulleys, nd oer OEM prts, lso including imported high-precision Power Trnsmission components. Supplying products for globl industril pplictions, relted to domestic precision mchine tools, precision equipments, elevtors nd oer importnt industries.
迈悦科技致力于成为国内外高端装备核心零部件供应商,产品主要包括:用于自动化控制的关键精密机械传动件(如:胀套、联轴器、同步轮、以及其他OEM零件) ,以及配套提供进口高端传动产品,主要应用于全球工业领域,涉及国内精密机床,精密设备,电梯等重要行业